Crazy Cabin Fever Cocktails – Day 4 – March 18, 2020

DAY 4 – a Birthday Bourbon Martinez & a Gin & Tonic (recipe below the video)

Birthday Bourbon KY Martinez which is a variation on a variation.

A Martinez is traditionally a Gin drink. Tim started making a KY Martinez back in 2012 with both bourbon and gin.

Birthday Bourbon Martinez
1 dash walnut bitters
1 dash orange bitters
1/4 oz Maraschino Liqueur (Luxardo)
1 oz Bourbon (Old Forester Birthday Bourbon 2011 used)
1 oz Gin (Generous Gin)
1 oz Vermouth (dry will be a brighter cocktail)

Stir together all ingredients with ice for 90 seconds (usually until glass frosts)
strain and serve in a Martini or Coup glass
Accent with orange zest