High Proof Cocktails two ways: ECBP in a Coupe, Mint Coupe
(recipes below video)
Crazy Cabin Fever Cocktail Series with Distilled Living –
Keeping your spirits up!
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ECBP in a Coupe
• Pre-chilled coupe glass with hard ice.
• Fill shaker with hard ice and 1.5 oz Elijah Craig Barrel Proof Bourbon and shake quickly.
• Discord ice from coupe, strain Bourbon into coupe.
• Twist fresh orange zest over the top and rub along glass rim, discard.
• Grate dark chocolate over the top.
• Serve.
Mint Coupe
• Pre-chilled coupe glass with hard ice.
In shaker:
• Place lower 3 – 4 leaves from a mint sprig,
• Fill with hard ice and
• 1.5 oz Larceny Barrel Proof.
• Shake quickly but gently.
• Discard ice from coupe; double-strain (Hawthorne + fine mesh) into coupe.
• Garnish with mint sprig and serve.